Foster Care

From Gene: A Letter to the Future Child in my Care

Read letters from foster parents as they navigate their journey to become foster parents with Mentor Foster Care.

Read a letter from Gene

Hopes for a future child in my care.

Gene Colvin, from our Alabama program shares her hopes for welcoming a child to care for into her home. 


Gene letter_1920x700


Dear Future Child,

Welcome to my home. I hope that I can love you an care for you while your birth parent heal and prepares for your return. I am cheering and praying for your birth parents. No matter how long you are in my home I will always hold a special place in my heart for you.

"No matter how long you are in my home I will always hold a special place in my heart for you."

I am eager to know about your hobbies and your favorite food, things you love to do, books you love to read and other loving things.

I have no other children, so all my time and love will be directly toward you. I know you will be very happy with me and yours days will give you many beautiful and loving memory.

I want to let you know that I will always be there for you.


Your Foster Parent


Learn More About Fostering 


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