Adult Day Health

Sevita Story: Ana and Becky

From reluctant newcomer to cherished community member: Discover how Sevita's adult day health center helped Ana find friendship, purpose, and independence.

Ana, a mother, friend and dedicated caretaker her entire life, like most new participants was skeptical about attending a day center for the first time. Her daughter, Becky described her Mom as reluctant to come at first,  but with time recognized "it really has made all the difference in her life and in our lives."

Program Director Amy Stewart says, "When Ana first came here she felt like she was leaning on her family a lot. She didn't really have any friends she was reaching out to, it was just her family. Here, she feels like she can help others. People light up when they see her come in."

"Our goal is to give everyone  a safe environment, when they don't have a safe environment in the community." Amy

Hear Ana, Becky and Amy's full story about how Sevita's Adult Day Health Program has made all the difference in their lives.

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