Sevita Blog

The Journey into Foster Care: Erin’s Story

Written by Sevita | Jul 22, 2024 4:55:02 PM


Are you wondering what it’s really like to be a foster parent?

Whether you’re worried about getting too attached to a child in your care or if you’ll be a good foster parent, your uncertainties are normal. (In fact, they’re what make you a great fit to foster!).

Uncertainties can still be scary though, and one of the best ways to overcome them is by getting insights from someone who has been there.

In this video, you’ll hear from Erin Page-Brown — former foster and adoptive parent and Mentor Foster Care Family Development Evaluation Specialist.

Who is Erin Page-Brown?

Erin’s introduction to the world of adoption and fostering came when she was 17 years old. As a young mother, Erin made the difficult decision to put her daughter up for adoption. 

As Erin explains, “My outlook on fostering was really unique because of my own personal experience with adoption. And back when I chose adoption for my daughter, it was already known that open adoptions are the best for children. However, the open adoption agreements that were signed back then were not typically legally binding.” 

Left with the inability to see her daughter after the adoption, Erin’s mind turned to foster parents and making her daughter proud: 

“Because it was so harmful and hurtful for me, I could only imagine what it would be like for someone who did not make that choice. And so I really wanted to foster with this idea that keeping families together is the best case scenario.”

She goes on to share how fostering became a choice she made for her daughter, describing, “My focus in my life at that point really turned into wanting my daughter to be proud of who I was when she became old enough to really realize who I was.”

Erin went on to become an adoptive and foster parent herself, fostering over 25 children before becoming a Family Development Evaluation Specialist with Mentor Foster Care. 

Having been through the process so many times, here’s what Erin has to share about the life-changing experience of fostering..

“What should I know about becoming a foster parent?”

Erin: ​​”It is so worth it. I cannot explain or describe how worth it is because it truly is a feeling. It's not, it's not describable. But I really believe that if you have a heart to help, this will be such an impactful experience for you. And it will change your life for the better.”

“What if I get too attached to a child in my home?”

Erin: “So when we're talking about that fear that I think a lot of foster families have where they are afraid that they will get too attached to these kids, I always try to remind people that every single child deserves to have someone who is too attached.

“We want you to be attached, and we want these kids to be attached. And in all honesty, the large majority of these attachments that you build, within the relationship view and the shared parenting idea, you will not lose these attachments.”

“What makes a good foster parent?”

Erin: “I think there's a lot of misconception out there about who can be a foster family and also who is good enough to be one.”

“Our kids need someone who knows what it means to fight for something, who knows what it means to achieve goals that they have set for themselves, who knows what it means to forgive, and who knows what it means to make mistakes and come back from those mistakes.”

“What does it feel like to be a foster parent?”

Erin: “You will experience a feeling of happiness that I don't know if anyone can really describe, and you will feel, it's such a whole feeling.”

Ready to Start Your Foster Parenting Journey?

Whether you foster 25 children or just one, you too can have a life-changing impact for kids who need a place to call home. 

We know the process is a leap of faith, and we want you know we are here every step of the way. 

In fact, you can get help every step of the way.

Get answers specific to you and your life circumstances: Talk to a foster care expert for personalized insights, next steps, and what you can expect when starting the foster parenting process. 

You don't need to be a superhero — just someone willing to provide the love and care a child needs. 

Learn what to expect and get all of your questions answered today!